, pub-2557206291112451, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Best Eating Out in Languedoc: CHEZ BEBELLE
The restaurants recommended in this blog have all been visited by me and my wife and often with friends. We have visited them at least once. I only recommend restaurants that have a quality that, in my opinion, makes them worth a visit.
Some are world class restaurants, some are very simple, but the food is always worth the price and the chefs have prepared it with pride and love of good food.
The food is essential for being mentioned here. Minor problems when it comes to service and other things are mentioned but does not disqualify them from being recommended.
We have also eaten in some restaurants in the area that do not leave any memories worth writing about.
Finally we have been to very few bad restaurants and have been badly serviced in a few.
These three categories are marked differently in List of Restaurants.
marks our special restaurants. On the map they are found by the red marks and in the search term list under coup de ceur

Friday, May 24, 2013


CHEZ BEBELLE – Les Halles de Narbonne, 11100 Narbonne

In Les Halles de Narbonne there are a number of small restaurants. The most famous of them is certainly Chez Bebelle. The owner is a rugby-star and that counts a lot in the south of France. Since French TV had a program about the restaurant it is almost impossible to get a seat there without a reservation.

We went there with some American friends and we were twelve and a baby. This is the place to go if you want really good meat. Americans who are very spoiled when it comes to meat rate this place very high.

The really special thing might however be the “show” performed by the old rugby-star. When the waiters come with the orders he takes his megaphone and yell the orders to one or two of the butchers across the aisle. After a few seconds small packages of meat start flying through the air just over the head of the customers and he always catches them with perfect timing. Nothing less would be expected!

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