, pub-2557206291112451, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Best Eating Out in Languedoc: LE TOURNEDOS
The restaurants recommended in this blog have all been visited by me and my wife and often with friends. We have visited them at least once. I only recommend restaurants that have a quality that, in my opinion, makes them worth a visit.
Some are world class restaurants, some are very simple, but the food is always worth the price and the chefs have prepared it with pride and love of good food.
The food is essential for being mentioned here. Minor problems when it comes to service and other things are mentioned but does not disqualify them from being recommended.
We have also eaten in some restaurants in the area that do not leave any memories worth writing about.
Finally we have been to very few bad restaurants and have been badly serviced in a few.
These three categories are marked differently in List of Restaurants.
marks our special restaurants. On the map they are found by the red marks and in the search term list under coup de ceur

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


LE TOURNEDOSRond point de Lattre de Tassigny, 11200 Lézignan-Corbières

The traditional restaurant Le Tournedos was started in 1970. It is now run by second generation owners since less than a year. For the locals the restaurant is known for high quality local food served in generous helpings. It is a typical winter restaurant where you can enjoy good food and high quality local wine in front of the enormous grill. Their grilled meat is fantastic.

The interior is somewhat booring and still the new owners pretend they have modernized it, but it is hard to notice. The service is, under the new management more custom oriented when it used to be in the old days when it had a certain "no noncense style".

If you appreciate really good local food to reasonable prizes, there are few better places to go. Maybe that is the reason why it is mostly packed with people in the restaurant.


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